About Beyond Our Generation

A personal letter from Dr. Crawford W. Loritts, Jr.

Dear Friend,

I am so very grateful to God for the people who gave of themselves to help shape my life and ministry. So many of them saw in me potential and abilities that I either wasn’t aware of, or lacked the confidence to fully pursue what had been entrusted to me. These men and women loved me, spent time with me, and at times corrected and challenged me. They are treasured gifts from the hand of our loving and merciful God. In large part what God has done in and through my life is a tribute to their sacrificial commitment.

Their example has inspired me through the years to do the same. I want to invest the remaining years of my life and ministry doing what others have done for me and, in so doing, help to shape and encourage the next generation of leaders for the Cause of Christ. That’s what Beyond our Generation is about.

Shaping the next generation of Christian leaders

Nothing happens apart from leadership. Leadership matters. However, as important as the position and gift of leadership is, it is the kind of leader that really matters. Gifts, talents, abilities and competences should come from godly character and the intentional pursuit of Christlikeness. During these decades of ministry I have witnessed the tragic consequences of leaders who have poured their energies into building their ministries and honing their leadership skills and abilities, but have ignored or neglected their character, their inner life. Because the platform became bigger than their character they became overwhelmed, burned out and, sadly, some have experienced moral failure and the erosion of integrity.

Crawford Loritts - Speaker, Author, Mentor

Beyond our Generation exists to encourage leaders to focus on the godly stewardship of our lives as well as the assignments God gives to us. The blessing and favor of God is drawn to those, especially leaders, who are characterized by dependence on God, authentic humility, servant leadership and focused obedience. It is my heartfelt prayer and desire that God will use us to encourage this focus and to put wind in the sails of the next generation of leaders.

Please join us in praying that God will use Beyond our Generation through written resources, speaking and teaching opportunities, and mentoring groups to contribute to a movement of strong, godly leadership for the next generation.

Dr. Crawford W. Loritts, Jr.

For more information about Beyond Our Generation, feel free to CONTACT US today!